NEWS 2012

21. 8. 2012 Funny for DW Harmony Star

Added new photos : Funny playing football in Finland.

Thanks Auli  !!!

More photos: HERE

2. 8. 2012 - Emerson Sam Harmony Star

Sam passed eyes tests today.


Congratulations !!!

25. 7. 2012 - Don Cherry Harmony Star and Pinch hit´s Ogafia

In Germany in Kennel Pinch hit´s have born to "Gute" and to our Don 7 puppies.

1 black and tan male

5 red males

1 red female

Big congatulations and greetings to mum and babies.


Informations and reservations :  CHS Pinch Hit´s

6. 7. 2012 - Filoménka Majla Harmony Star

Added new photos of Maila.

Thanks Monika !!!

More photos : HERE

17. 6. 2012 - Gronn, Don, Dorra

More photos : Here

14. 6. 2012 - Dogiwogin Gronn Harmony

Gronn passed eyes tests today.



Emerson Sam Harmony Star

!!! Sam fulfilled conditions for title SLOVAK CHAMPION and INTERCHAMPION !!!

!!! Big congratulations !!!

10. 6. 2012 9. 6. 20102 - International Dog Show Nitra, SK

Judge : 
Rade Vesic-Masterhof , SRB

Champion class-
Emerson Sam Harmony Star - Ex1, CAC, CACIB, 
, BOB !!!

Big congratulations 

9. 6. 20102 - International Dog Show Nitra, SK

Judge : 
Annika Ulltveit - Moe, SE

Champion class-
Emerson Sam Harmony Star - Ex1, CAC, CACIB,
Grand Prix Slovakia Winner, BOB !!!

!!! Big congratulations !!!

2. 6. 2012 - Special Show of Pinschers,  Lysá nad Labem (Cz)

Judge : Božena Ovesná

Junior class - Ferry Black Harmony Star : Ex1, CAJC, BEST JUNIOR

Ferda and his owner were on his second show and both of them are skilful !!! Big congratulations.!  

Intermediate class : Calypso Čertovo kopýtko : Ex1, CAC, Winner of Special Show, BOB !!!

Big congratulations to Zuzka and Calypso. They are skilful too.

27. - 28. 5. 2012 - Don Cherry Harmony Star and Pinch hit´s Ogafia

On Sunday Don has visit - Ogafia.
Don had to persuade her for long time, but all was OK and mating was succesfull.  
On Monday it was on the opposite site, they felt in love together and mating was finished in several minutes. After hour they mated for the third time again. 

We hope, that Ogafia had right days and red puppies, may be black and tan, going to born in the end of July. 

Informations and reservations :  CHS Pinch Hit´s

27. 5 .2012 - Don Cherry Harmony Star and Elizabeth Harmony Star

Bety ran next to bike for first time.

She was very skilful close to Don. We had camera with us and there is result.

Photos : HERE

22. 5. 2012 - Don Cherry Harmony Star and Assja Gräfin von Burg - Wildenstein

Today in Austrian Kennel von Burg-Wildenstein have born to Assje and to our Don 11 puppies.

4 black and tan males

2 red males

black and tan females

3 red females

Big congatulations and greetings to mum and babies.

Informations in : Kennel von Burg-Wildenstein

21. 5. 2012 - Don Cherry Harmony Star - he expects bride from Germany next week.

Don passed eyes tests after year again.

Result  : PRA, LL, C, PHTVL/PHPV  - negative !!!


5. 5. 2012 - Pinscher´s Club Show , Klánovice
Judge : Marie Marušková, CZ

Junior class : Ferry Black Harmony Star - Ex1, CAJC
Open class : Elizabeth harmony Star - Ex 1, CAC
Winner class : Emerson Sam Harmony Star : Ex1, CAC, 
Club Winner, Winner of Memorial Dr.Rotrekl, BOB !!!

Ferry Black Elizabeth Emerson Sam

Huge congratulations, we are proud of Harmony Star Kennel presentation !!!

Intermediate class : Carlos Čertovo kopýtko : Ex1, CAC
Junior class  : Camy Bel Faaro : Very good 3
Junior class  : Carice Bel Faaro : Ex 2
Junior class  : Casha Bel Faaro : Good 4
Intermediate class : Calypso Čertovo kopýtko : Ex 1

Carlos and Calypso Camy, Casha, Elizabeth, Daystar, Carise

19. 4. 2012 - Don Cherry Harmony Star and Elis z Pyšelky

Today in Kennel Bel Faaro have born to Elis and to our Don 10 puppies.

7 red males

 3 red females

Big congratulations and greetings to mum and puppies.

Informations in :

8. 4. 2012 - Funny for DW Harmony Star and her first show..

Judge :  Marjatta Pylvänäinen-Suorsa, FI

Junior class : V1, CQ, CAC, BOS

!!! Big congratulations !!!

5. 4. 2012 - Gronn Harmony Dogiwogin and Bea vom Rittmeister

In Germany in Kennel Arielle´s  have born to Bee and our Gronn 8 puppies.

3 black and tan males

 3 black and tan females

 2 red females

We are happy and big congratulations!!!!

More informations :  
Kennel Arielle ´s

1. 4. 2012 -
International Dog Show Ceske Budejovice

Judge :
Božena Ovesná, CZ

Open class-
Emerson Sam Harmony Star - Ex1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG 6

!!! Big congratulions !!!

27. 3. 2012 Fantastic Boy Harmony Star - "NUTS"

added  new photos - HERE

26. - 27. 3. 2012 - Don Cherry Harmony Star and Assja von Burg - Wildenstein

On Monday and  Tuesday Don mated Assja.

When all will be OK, in May Kennel von Burg-Wildenstein will have puppies.

(Red and black and tan )

Informations in Kennel Burg - Wildenstein

26. 3.2012 - Filoménka Majla Harmony Star

added new photos - HERE

25. 3. 2012 - Forever lovely Harmony Star - "RONY"

added new photos - HERE

25. 3. 2012 - Trip to Kokorin´s forest - Gronn, Don, Dorra, Betty

Photos : HERE

23. 3. 2012

Sono show us, that Betty´s belly is empty and that we won´t have puppies.

19. 3. 2012 - Construction of hutch

After twelve years of having pinschers we decided to build two hutches.
Who is interested in, look to our work and result.
Thanks for building to my husband, son and nephew.
Good job, boys !!! Thank you very much.....

Photos: HERE

20. 2. 2012 - Don Cherry Harmony Star a Elis z Pyšelky

On Tuesday Don mated Elis.

When all will be OK, in April Kennel bel Faaro will have puppies.

( Only red puppies )

Informations in  Kennel BEL FAARO

 19. 2. 2012 - Elizabeth Harmony Star a Umbro von Burg-Wildenstein

On Sunday took place mating between Betty and Umbro. Drive to Germany was long and hard.
We hope to have puppies. 


8. 2. 20112 - Litter "E" have 2nd birthday today

!!! Big congratulions !!!

6. 2. 2012 Elizabeth Harmony Star

Elizabeth started heating.  Next week we plan mating in Germany.

More : HERE


5. 2. 2012 Gronn Harmony Dogiwogin and Bea vom Rittmeister

On Sunday Gronn mated Bea.

When all will be OK, in April Kennel Arielle ´s will have puppies.

5. 2. 2012 DuoCacib Brno
Judge : Vanhza Sergey, RU

Junior class : Calypso Čertovo kopýtko - EX 1, CAJC, BOJ ( Don´s daughter )
Camy Bel Faaro - EX 2 ( Don´s daughter )
Bel Faaro Harmony Star - EX 3 ( Don´s daughter )
Intermediate class :
Elizabeth Harmony Star - Ex1, CAC

!!! Calypso Čertovo kopýtko  is JUNIOR CHAMPION !!!

Calypso Čertovo kopýtko, Carise Bel Faaro, Elis z Pyšelky, Camy Bel Faaro, Elizabeth Harmony Star

!!! Big congratulions !!!

4. 2. 2012 DuoCacib Brno
Judge : Ericsson Dan , SE

Junior class :  Calypso Čertovo kopýtko - VG 2 ( Don´s daughter )
 Camy Bel Faaro - VG 1 ( Don´s daughter )

Intermediate class :
 Elizabeth Harmony Star - EX1, CAC, CACIB

!!! Elizabeth Harmony Star  is CZECH CHAMPION !!!

Calypso Camy Elizabeth

             !!! Big congratulions !!!

2. 2. 2012 - Elizabeth Harmony Star

Elizabeth passed eyes tests today.



29. 1. 2012 - International Dog Show, Trenčín, SK
Judge : Gabriela Ridarčíková

Junior class - Calypso Čertovo kopýtko : EX 1, CAJC ( Don´s daughter )

Congratulations !!!

15. 1. 2012 - Don Cherry Harmony Star

!!! Don is INTERCHAMPION !!!

8. 1. 2012 - National Dog Show, Olomouc
Judge : Miroslav Václavík

Junior class - Calypso Čertovo kopýtko : VG1 ( Don´s daughter )

Congratulations !!!

1. 1. 2011 - Daystar Safira Harmony Star

4 puppies have borned -2 red females, 1 red male and 1 male black and tan.
One red female is still free.
Informations and reservations on websites 
CHS Jitøenka Moravia

Congratulations !!!

1. 1. 2011

Big THANKS to all owners of our puppies for all informations and photos about them!

And we wish to all our friends and to all fans of Kennel Harmony Star much health, luck, peace and love in 2012.